Welcome to the Muncy Family Database (MFD)
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Now with almost 12,000 individual records, this site is devoted to providing family information on the descendants of Francis Muncy, William Muncy, Joshua Muncey and unconnected lines. Most residents of the USA are descendants of either Francis or William, but others bearing the Muncy surname came to North America in later years. Ignore the spelling of the last name. There are many variations and there is no "correct" spelling. A database of "unconnected lines" has been added for those groups that cannot be currently connected to either Francis or William Muncy. And for those interested in following English families with the Muncy surname (and alternate spellings), a database of about 2500 English families bearing the name during the 1500's-1800's has been added to the site. These families have not been connected to Francis or William, but some may find it useful in their research.
ABOUT LOG IN AND REGISTRATION: To keep roving web robots at bay, this site requires user registration and is free. Registration adds you to the notification list for future significant updates; gives you "Submitter" access which will allow you to submit changes and family worksheets (subject to review); and allows you to access most information including viewing of LDS information and downloading of GEDCOM and PDF files. Registration is easy and free, and your request will usually be approved within one day. After you register, you will receive confirmation by email along with information on how to best utilize the database. Please make sure you give the proper email address in the registration process and watch for the confirmation email that could end up in your spam folder!
ABOUT SEARCHING: Because there are many variations in spelling 'Muncy', you may want to shorten the last name to "Mun" in the last name field. This will find names of Muncy, Muncey, Muncie, Munsey, Munsy, Munsee, etc. If doing an advanced search, we recommend you select the "soundex of" option in the pop-up list that will show all similar sounding names. Note the individual ID and the listed tree noting Francis Muncy Descendants, William Muncy Descendants or English Unconnected trees. By default, all trees are searched, but you can narrow your search by selecting the appropriate tree from the "Tree" popup button.)
YOU CAN HELP:Photos, locations, headstones, and cemetery information will be added as time allows. If you have cemetery information, photos of ancestors or corrections to the information in these records, send an email through the "contact us" link. This site is maintained and updated by Steve Muncy, Dallas, Texas. (a descendant of Francis Muncy.)
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.