July Update


The Muncy Family Database (MFD) now includes records on more than 10,000 persons in the William and Francis Muncy trees. This represents over 3600 families. The Francis Muncy family continues to dominate the database with a total of 8700 included in Francis Muncy Descendants, but we are continuing to add to the family of William Muncy Descendants. Currently the William Muncy database includes 1300 individuals and 514 families. If you are a descendant of William Muncy, you can help us get those numbers up! Use the worksheets (described below) to submit information to be added to the database.


A new English tree has been added to the database. The “English Families Not Connected” tree includes information on almost 2500 individuals in England during the 1600’s, 1700’s and 1800’s. Sources for this information is primarily parish records. While extensive, there is a lot more information out there that is not included in this tree. Where possible, family groups have been linked but in most cases the information necessary to link them has not been found. Unlike the trees for descendants of William and Francis Muncy in which almost all “Muncy” references begin with “MUN”, there are many refereces in this tree that begin with “MON” and “MOUN.” For this reason, you should more limit your search to a specific tree (rather than all trees) or even better use the “soundex of” pop-up option in the advanced search box for the last name. Using the “soundex of” option results in a list of all names sounding alike so you would get “Mouncey”, “Munsey”, “Monsy” and “Muncy” in your results. This tree has been added to assist those who might want to do further research into family links in England. I do not anticipate putting a lot of personal time in on this tree since I’ve got a load of other duties, but I’m happy to assist anyone trying to use this tree to explore English roots – and even happier to update any new information you may find. If you are interested in researching the Muncy family in England, be sure to read the items listed in “Research Data” in the column on the left.


Family Worksheets were incorporated during June. You can now submit family group worksheets to update information in the database. Worksheets can remain active for future updates and changes and can be accessed online by simply clicking a link in your acknowledgement email. Worksheets are reviewed by the Administrator and merged when the information is deemed reliable. The Submitter’s Guide has been updated to include this information and instructions.


Unfortunately, some genealogy web sites have suffered from robots or users who rip data from the database in MASSIVE amounts. Our system protects data for living or recently deceased persons so you should have no security concerns. We want the Muncy Family Database to be a useful tool for family research – but this is a two-way street. We need information from users, and we want to supply accurate and helpful information to those who are searching their family history. “Riping” a genealogical database by downloading hundreds or thousands of names that have no relation to your genealogical search is a violation of the purposes of the Muncy Family Database. We have no way of knowing how this data is to be used — but it isn’t used for researching your personal family history. In order to make sure that our system is used the way it is intended, we are prohibiting the “riping” of data by registered users and will take steps to make sure this does not occur.


In order to implement better security features and prevent ripping of data, registration is now required. Registration is simple — just click the link on the Muncy Family Database home page and fill in your information. You registration request will be approved within one day, and usually in a matter of hours.

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